Backyard Composting (Bayport)
Learn how to build and successfully maintain a compost pile, as well as how to use the compost in your yard and garden.
Learn how to build and successfully maintain a compost pile, as well as how to use the compost in your yard and garden.
Bring on the butterflies! Your yard can help to support songbirds, pollinators, and wildlife - AND look beautiful! During this workshop we'll talk about what to plant, how to get started, where to buy native plants in Minnesota and western Wisconsin, and where to find additional support for planting projects. Learn about native gardens, bee lawns, flowering trees and shrubs, and prairies.
Whether you have a small urban lot or a large farm in the country, you can help to create pockets of habitat and connected corridors for pollinators and other wildlife in our community.
During this free, informative workshop, you’ll learn about state and local rules that apply to shoreline and wetland projects, as well as cost-share grants and technical assistance available to help landowners complete native planting and bioengineering projects. This year’s workshop will focus on how to repair ice heaves.
Lawns are America’s No. 1 irrigated crop, and we spend billions each year on their upkeep. Our love of lawns impacts water quality, our drinking water supplies, biodiversity, and our environment. Learn how converting lawns to sustainable alternatives can be a win-win for people and the environment.
This class provides do-it-yourself instruction for anyone interested in creating a prairie; a natural landscape utilizing native grasses and flowers. No matter what size prairie you are interested in; from acreage to small plot, this class covers all steps of planning and preparation as well as maintenance to ensure your creation continues to thrive for years to come. The class also provides information about plants and which ones could be considered, or perhaps avoided, based on the desired outcome.
Plan now to be ready to compost yard waste! Composting is a microbial process that converts plant material such as grass clippings and leaves to a useful organic soil amendment or mulch. Many homeowners are finding it convenient and economical to compost leaves and grass clippings in their own backyards. Learn how to build and maintain a compost pile including troubleshooting tips as well as how to use the completed compost in your yard or gardens.
Bring on the butterflies! Your yard can help to support songbirds, pollinators, and wildlife - AND look beautiful! During this workshop we'll talk about what to plant, how to get started, where to buy native plants in Minnesota and western Wisconsin, and where to find additional support for planting projects. Learn about native gardens, bee lawns, flowering trees and shrubs, and prairies.
Whether you have a small urban lot or a large farm in the country, you can help to create pockets of habitat and connected corridors for pollinators and other wildlife in our community.
This FREE training will give you the knowledge to help care for trees in your community. As a Tree Steward, you will be trained in: basic tree biology and identification, best practices for planting, mulching, watering, staking, fertilizing, and trunk protection, developmental pruning of young trees, pruning suckers and sprouts, and common tree disease, pests, and defects.
Get started planning for spring and summer hiking, camping, and paddling adventures in the St. Croix watershed. Learn how the St. Croix came to be a federally protected Wild & Scenic River and where you can go to find old growth forests and remnant prairies. Presenter Angie Hong will also share conservation success stories to keep you inspired for action.
Join RWMWD staff to learn more about rain garden maintenance! We’ll give an overview of routine maintenance and how to determine if your rain garden needs extra care. Staff will also discuss tips and tricks for plant identification and other helpful resources to make your rain garden a success.
This FREE training will give you the knowledge to help care for trees in your community. As a Tree Steward, you will be trained in: basic tree biology and identification, best practices for planting, mulching, watering, staking, fertilizing, and trunk protection, developmental pruning of young trees, pruning suckers and sprouts, and common tree disease, pests, and defects.
Do you live on or near a marsh or wetland?
Learn about the unique plants and animals that are found in wetlands, what makes wetlands special, invasive species, and rules that affect what landowners can and can’t do with wetlands on their properties.
Get advice on how to enhance your wetland yard with native plants and other landscaping features that add beauty, provide habitat, and help to protect water quality.
Pick up your pre-purchased trees and native seed packages at the Washington County Fairground.
Trees and seeds can be ordered online at www.mnwcd.org/tree-sales.
Join Brown’s Creek Watershed District to help plant native trees and shrubs at the Brown's Creek restoration site in Stillwater.
Pick up your pre-purchased trees and native seed packages at the Washington County Fairground.
Trees and seeds can be ordered online at www.mnwcd.org/tree-sales.
Join Blue Thumb - Planting for Clean Water for an in-person workshop hosted on-site at a restored shoreline at Lions Park in White Bear Lake. Designers from Metro Blooms Design+Build will discuss site assessment, unique shoreline considerations, native plants for shorelines, buffer plantings and more!
Participants will also receive a Resilient Shorelines workbook and access to an accompanying online learning series.
Market: Purchase MN native plants from multiple growers. No systemic insecticides.
Expo: Learn to select and grow native plants for pollinators, wildlife, and water quality. Visit with educators and experts from conservation and environmental organizations. Get your landscaping questions answered.
9am-1pm + Food Truck
Calling all rising juniors and seniors at Tartan, Woodbury, East Ridge, and Cottage Grove High Schools!
Join us for a FREE hands-on experience that will introduce you to a wide variety of careers in natural resources, including jobs that do and do not require college degrees.
During this three-week experience, you’ll learn how to fly a drone, collect and evaluate water samples from a local lake, inspect and identify problems at an active construction site, make educational videos for social media, and more! You’ll also get to meet real-life conservation professionals from several different local organizations.
A House Unbuilt’s Art & Water Space in Downtown Stillwater is collaborating with the Brown’s Creek Watershed District to provide a unique exhibition opportunity to area artists.
An Opening Reception showcasing the artworks will be held on March 6, 2025, 4-7pm. Angie Hong will be a guest speaker at the event, speaking about her new book on the St. Croix River Valley.
The exhibit space is open Jan. 24 - April 18, Mon - Fri., 10am - 3pm or by appointment.
The 8000 sq. mile St. Croix River watershed is a magical place that offers wilderness experiences, only an hour or two from home. During this presentation, local author and conservation educator Angie Hong will read excerpts from her new book and share favorite places to hike, paddle, and find charismatic wildlife like bison, skinks, and sandhill cranes. She’ll also talk about local conservation success stories in Scandia and nearby communities. Expect to leave feeling inspired and ready to explore the great outdoors!
Winter sowing is a cost-effective, low-maintenance way of starting plants in winter for next year’s garden. Seeds are planted in recycled containers that act as “mini-greenhouses."
Join Washington County Master Gardeners to learn more about this technique, see a demonstration, and create your own sample to take home and get a jump start on the gardening season.
DaVinci Fest is an annual community event celebrating art and science hosted by The Partnership Plan. At its core, it showcases the incredible talents and creativity of the youth who live in the St. Croix River Valley. With the addition of educational exhibits and demonstrations from area businesses and organizations in the afternoon, it has become a regional art and science extravaganza.
Please join us for the upcoming Mill Stream Community Engagement Meeting.
The Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District and the City of Marine on St. Croix are collaborating to improve the stream health of Mill Stream through Burris Park. Based on input from the first two meetings, we have completed a draft plan. In this meeting we will share the draft design and collect additional community input on a number of design decisions. The draft plans are located at: www.cmscwd.org/our-projects/mill-stream-restoration
Join Washington County Master Gardeners at the Bayport Library in Bayport to learn how to start native perennial seeds in winter and how to create your own mini-greenhouses from milk jugs. Soil and seeds will be provided. Please bring two plastic containers (i.e. milk jugs).
Whether you are renovating an existing yard or starting from scratch, a home landscape will best meet your family’s needs if properly planned. Develop an overall design for your landscape that can be implemented in stages or all at once. Learn about basic landscape design principles through discussion and photographs, and learn methods for working through constraints, needs, and wants. Master Gardeners will be on hand to discuss problems and make suggestions while you work on drawing your landscape plan.
Whether you are renovating an existing yard or starting from scratch, a home landscape will best meet your family’s needs if properly planned. Develop an overall design for your landscape that can be implemented in stages or all at once. Learn about basic landscape design principles through discussion and photographs, and learn methods for working through constraints, needs, and wants. Master Gardeners will be on hand to discuss problems and make suggestions while you work on drawing your landscape plan.
Learn how to create bird-friendly native landscapes and prep your yard for the winter without taking away food and habitat for birds and the insects they eat. Learn which trees and shrubs are good songbirds, how to enhance existing gardens with native plants, and where to find resources to get started.
This MPCA Smart Salting for Roads Certification Training class offers more efficient winter maintenance best practices for plowing, de-icing and anti-icing application, storage, and more. The new chloride requirements in the recently released MS4 permit will also be covered. Participants will learn how to integrate science with practical winter maintenance on roads while minimizing impacts on the environment. Learn more and register.
Join Washington County Master Gardeners to learn how to harvest, clean and store native seeds. Also included is an introduction to winter sowing of native seeds.
Stop by Lakeview Hospital's bistro to learn about native gardens, watersheds, and family-friendly outdoor adventures. There will also be PowerUp games, led by Lakeview's Green Team.
Join Washington County Master Gardeners to learn how to save native perennial seeds. You'll learn why it’s important to save native perennial seeds, the basics to get you started with seed saving, and some seed cleaning and sorting tips.
Learn how to identify and manage buckthorn, an invasive shrub that harms our native habitats. This online course is taught by Washington County Master Gardeners.
Celebrate the conclusion of the Trout Brook restoration project with the South Washington Watershed District! Join us on October 9th, from 4 - 6 pm at Afton Alps Ski Resort to celebrate the recently completed Trout Brook stream restoration! Enjoy light refreshments and see behind-the-scenes photos of the restoration before we mark the occasion with a celebratory trout release with MnDNR!
Please keep in mind that this is a walking tour of the site. Consider attire for walking on bumpy ground and through knee height vegetation.
This is a FREE event and open to all, please register your attendance with the ticket link.
Long Lake in Stillwater has already been impaired by salts, but there is a lot we can do to prevent it from getting worse. Learn how our lakes and streams are impacted by salts and what we can do to prevent it.
Learn strategies for protecting lakes, rivers, and wildlife habitat in small communities and rural areas of the Lower St. Croix Watershed. During this workshop, local leaders will learn about tools available to help small communities guide where and how development happens, as well as strategies for promoting conservation in rural and agricultural areas.
Learn more and register at https://tinyurl.com/stcroixwowland.
The annual festival is produced for 4th grade students in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metropolitan area and is held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Registration for school groups opens on Feb. 15. Or, volunteer to help with this event!
There is also a virtual festival with resource and learning modules available to be used year-round: https://metrocwf.org/festival/#virtual
Join WCD educator Angie Hong and Belwin volunteers for a hike on Belwin’s newest trail system, just north of downtown Afton on St. Croix Trail. This 30-acre parcel of land includes 1.25 miles of trails overlooking Valley Creek, and is a great place to see birds and fall colors.
Join us for this FREE, fun, family friendly nature event hosted by the Brown’s Creek Watershed District and Sustainable Stillwater MN.
Are local lakes and rivers getting better or getting worse? During this presentation Angie Hong will share watershed updates from around the region, highlighting local projects and long-term trends.
There is reason to be hopeful, with more than 20 lakes and streams delisted in Chisago and Washington Counties over the past four years, and nearly 4000 rural and urban conservation projects completed in Washington County since 2006.
Looking for more volunteer opportunities in the St. Croix Valley? Or perhaps you’re a volunteer coordinator seeking fresh inspiration? Join us for an enjoyable and empowering evening tailored just for you!
This free event offers a fantastic chance to network, learn, and share experiences. Enjoy delicious appetizers and beverages while connecting with fellow volunteers and coordinators. Click to register. https://tinyurl.com/yxmu667x
Bring on the butterflies while you enjoy a pint at Dual Citizen Brewing! Your yard can help to support songbirds, pollinators, wildlife — AND look beautiful. During this happy-hour workshop with WCD nature educator Angie Hong, we'll talk about what to plant, how to get started, where to buy native plants in Minnesota and western Wisconsin and where to find additional support for planting projects. Learn about native gardens, bee lawns, prairies and flowering trees and shrubs. This event is hosted by Friends of the Mississippi River.
Join Friends of Pool 2 for an educational happy hour at the floating clubhouse of the St. Paul Yacht Club in the upper harbor at Harriet Island - Friday, Sept. 6, 5-7pm.
Angie Hong will share updates on recent conservation initiatives in the East Metro area, including the rewilding of Trout Brook in Afton State Park, a brand new storm water park in Woodbury, a redevelopment project in St. Paul at the site of the former Ford Plant, and an ongoing Army Corps of Engineers study that could lead to removal of the Ford and Lower St. Anthony Falls Dams.
Meet us at the Minnesota State Fair or volunteer to help at Adopt-a-Drain (Eco Experience building - indoors) or Blue Thumb – Planting for Clean Water (Eco Experience - outdoor garden area).
Join Brown’s Creek Watershed District to learn about the restoration work being completed along Brown's Creek at Brown's Creek Park in Stillwater.
Buzzing for information on everything pollinators? Join us for the Buzzin’ Backyards native plant and pollinator festival. This FREE event runs 12-4 PM and will feature local organizations, speakers, and activities for all ages highlighting our native plant and pollinator communities.
At the Carpenter Nature Center Wisconsin Campus.
Bring on the butterflies while you enjoy a pint at Dual Citizen Brewing! Your yard can help to support songbirds, pollinators, wildlife — AND look beautiful. During this happy-hour workshop with WCD nature educator Angie Hong, we'll talk about what to plant, how to get started, where to buy native plants in Minnesota and western Wisconsin and where to find additional support for planting projects. Learn about native gardens, bee lawns, prairies and flowering trees and shrubs. This event is hosted by Friends of the Mississippi River.
Join local authors Angie Hong and Tom Anderson for a Book Reading and Q & A at North Branch Area Library. This will be the final event for the We Are Water MN exhibit in Chisago County, which will close on Aug. 12.
Join the Washington Water Consortium for a driving tour by bus to visit three innovative examples of conservation development and permanent land protection in Marine on St. Croix, Scandia, and May Township.
Learn more and register at https://tinyurl.com/stcroixconservtour.