Clean Water Fund Grant FY 2016

Cooperative Weed Management Area Grant 

For Noxious Invasive WeeDs 

Are any of these noxious weeds invading on your property? Let us know! We can help.1. Grecian Foxglove TOXIC: DO NOT TOUCH  2. Oriental Bittersweet 3. Garlic Mustard 4. Buckthorn 5. Japanese Knotweed

Are any of these noxious weeds invading on your property? Let us know! We can help.

1. Grecian Foxglove TOXIC: DO NOT TOUCH
2. Oriental Bittersweet
3. Garlic Mustard
4. Buckthorn
5. Japanese Knotweed

Noxious invasive weeds can harm the environment and some are dangerous to people and animals. The Washington Conservation District received a BWSR Clean Water Fund grant to help landowners manage noxious invasive weeds. The goal of this grant is to protect people and native plant communities by working with organizations and landowners in Washington County. 

    Phase 1: In 2016, we will be focusing on outreach to identify the areas of greatest need and interested landowners. 

    Phase II: In 2017 and 2018, we will begin the control efforts in high priority areas.