Cameron Blake, Brown's Creek Watershed District/WCD Communication & Project Assistant Senior Technician
Email Me 651-796-2258

Responsibilities: Leading the WCD BMP Maintenance and Inspection program and assisting the Brown’s Creek Watershed District with education and outreach as well as administrative support. Implementing MDA Grant and MCC CWF invasive species treatments in Washington County.

Education:  B.S. Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management with a focus in Conservation Resource Management from the University of Minnesota. M.S. Land and Atmospheric Science with a minor in Water Resources Science from the University of Minnesota.

Certifications and Awards: Erosion Control and Stormwater Management certified Construction Installer, U of MN Extension. Pesticide Applicator Categories A and J, Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Stormwater Practice Maintenance certification, U of MN Extension. Wetland Delineator In-Training, Wetland Delineator Certification Program, U of MN. Wildland Firefighter Type 2, Federal Red Card System Member. Chainsaw Training, Minnesota-Iowa Conservation Corps.